
What is the syllabus for IB ACIO Tier-II exam?

What is the syllabus for IB ACIO Tier-II exam?

What is the syllabus for IB ACIO Tier-II exam?

 The syllabus for the IB ACIO Tier-II exam typically covers the following subjects:

1. Essay Writing: Essays on predetermined topics must be written by candidates. The essay evaluates the applicant's capacity for logical reasoning, well-articulated concepts, and persuasive opinion expression.

2. English Comprehension and Precis Writing: This section assesses the candidate's comprehension abilities and grasp of the English language. It might have passages covering a range of subjects with comprehension questions afterward, along with precis writing tasks where applicants must provide a succinct summary of a passage.

3. Letter Writing: On specified subjects, candidates are expected to compose both professional and informal letters. This evaluates their competency with language, structure, and tone of voice in written correspondence.

4. Analytical Ability: This component assesses the applicant's capacity for logical reasoning, analytical thought, and problem-solving. Puzzles, logical inferences, series completion, coding-decoding, and other types of questions might be included.

5. General Awareness: Candidates are evaluated on their comprehension of social, economic, political, and cultural concerns at the national and international levels as well as their awareness of current events and general knowledge.

6. Quantitative Aptitude: Candidates' mathematical and numerical aptitudes are evaluated in this area. Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, and data interpretation are possible topics covered.

7. Data Analysis & Interpretation: It can be necessary for candidates to examine and decipher data that is shown in a variety of ways, including tables, charts, graphs, etc. This evaluates their capacity to glean insightful conclusions from data and arrive at wise decisions.

Candidates preparing for the IB ACIO Tier-II exam should carefully review these topics, practice answering practice questions, and work through past year's exam questions to become more comfortable with the format of the test and perform better. Keeping up with current events and routinely honing your writing abilities might also help you become more prepared overall for the test.

The syllabus for the Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (IB ACIO) Tier-II exam consists of several components, each designed to assess different skills and knowledge areas. Here's an explanation of the syllabus for the IB ACIO Tier-II exam:

What is the syllabus for IB ACIO Tier-II exam?

1. Essay Writing: Applicants must compose an essay on a specified topic for this section. The aim of the assessment is to appraise their capacity for logical argumentation, cohesive idea expression, and proficient writing.

2. English Comprehension and Precis Writing: Examinees read passages and respond to questions based on them to gauge their comprehension abilities. Candidates must also write a precis, which is a succinct synopsis of a particular passage. This evaluates their comprehension and effective condensing of material.

3. Letter Writing: Using pre-given scenarios or topics, candidates are expected to compose both official and casual letters. This component assesses their written communication skills for clarity, succinctness, and appropriateness.

4. Analytical Ability: Candidates' capacity for analytical thought and problem-solving is evaluated in this area. To assess logical and analytical reasoning skills, questions may involve coding, riddles, series completion, logical reasoning, and other related subjects.

5. General Awareness: Candidates are evaluated on their comprehension of social, economic, political, and cultural concerns as well as their general knowledge and awareness of current events. Questions may address a broad range of subjects, such as current affairs on a national and worldwide scale, historical occurrences, scientific advancements, and more.

6. Quantitative Aptitude: Candidates' numerical and mathematical aptitude is evaluated in this segment. Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, and data interpretation are possible subjects studied.

7. Data Analysis & Interpretation: It can be necessary for candidates to examine and decipher data that is shown in a variety of ways, including tables, charts, graphs, etc. This part assesses their capacity to comprehend data and derive insights from it.

As they get ready for the IB ACIO Tier-II exam, candidates should extensively review each of these elements. To get better at writing, you must consistently practice writing essays, reports, and letters. Exam preparation can also be greatly increased by practicing analytical and mathematical aptitude problems and keeping up with current events.

The IB ACIO (Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer) Tier-II exam syllabus covers both written and descriptive components. Let’s delve into the details:

  1. Tier-I (Written Examination):

    • Duration: 1 hour
    • Total Marks: 100
    • Sections:
      • Current Affairs
      • General Studies
      • Numerical Aptitude
      • Reasoning/Logical Aptitude
      • English
  2. Tier-II (Descriptive Paper):

    • Duration: 1 hour
    • Total Marks: 50
    • Components:
      • Essay Writing (30 marks)
      • English Comprehension and Precis Writing (20 marks)
  3. Interview (Tier-III):

    • Marks: 100

Remember to thoroughly prepare for these sections to ace your performance in the IB ACIO Tier-II exam! 📚🔍

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For more detailed information, you can refer to the official website of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA)1. Best of luck with your preparation! 🌟


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